Bring in the new, remember the old
It is that time of the year again. Christmas is just around the corner, ready to burst into a song and dance tomorrow although in Japan, the whole repertoire would have to be a little bit more subdued. (Not a holiday). And the New Year is just itching to snatch the limelight away with a bigger bang!
This year, sadly, I am not at home to celebrate with my family but fortunately enough, I have friends here that I could surround myself with on this happy occasion. The atmosphere here is rather different. I am so used to the whole Christmas carols/songs/huge decorations, basically the general festiveness that permeates the Malaysian air. Here, everything is more refined. Of course, the gloomy fate of the world's economy isn't helping either.
Usually, this is the time for reflections and for new resolutions but I gave that up a long time ago because I know that it would be a futile effort. So, I am basically just giving thanks this season and (fervently) hoping that the new year will bring me and everyone else nothing BUT the very best!
So to everyone: CHEERS and BE MERRY!!
I so wish it would snow on New Year's day!
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