Loving the prime

Original photo, cropped slightly at the sides

The above photo, cropped to show more detail. Look at the droplets of water!
It has been a month since I last posted on my blog. Summer had long packed its bags and left and now a new resident had taken its place. It is the beautiful season of fall. My campus is awash with yellow hues as the ginko trees are shedding their leaves and the sight is simply beautiful. But this post isn't about autumn; it will soon come. This post is about my recent acquisition, the newest addition to my growing Canon family.

The clarity, detail and sharpness of the lens is simply breathtaking, even on my old Kiss N. Since this is my first telephoto lens, I had to get use to the weight of the lens and the focusing. It is perfect in the daytime but indoors and in dim light situations, a tripod would be useful or if you have steady hands. I would have to practice quite a bit, but this is the kind of work that I am looking forward to.

Photo was cropped (Original size is similar to the first photo)
Every time I cycle past the Kamo river and see the birds flying overhead or the ducks nesting and swimming down the river, I feel a slight pang of sadness of not being able to capture those moments. But now, I am able to. And as you can see, some of the photos have been cropped to show the amazing details and sharpness of the lens. The original sizes of those cropped photos are similar to the first photo.

Fish swallowed whole
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