Sento Palace for the second time

After my amazing experience with Sento Palace last year, I decided I must go again this autumn. Plan was to make it a fun trip with my other friends as well but the rule was no more than 4 people (friends) in one tour group, so there goes that plan. Turned out that only four of us went at the end, on the same day but at different times, so we could have gone as a group!

When I went last year, it was raining the night before and so it was misty, wet and cold. But the atmosphere suited the gardens very well indeed and gave it that "autumn" feel, with all the wet leaves on the ground and the mist surrounding the brilliant red trees. This time, we were again blessed with good weather of the sunny kind and so I saw Sento gardens in a different light.

As mentioned in the earlier post, I loved the tour guard! He was pleasant, kind and extremely nice to all of us, even to the extent of moving away whenever anyone of us tried to take pictures of the scenery (he was always the last person, so if we tried to take pictures of the scenery behind us, he will inevitably be in it, so he moved away).

We went rather early so most of the maple leaves were still on the trees while the striking yellow leaves of the gingko trees carpeted the mossy grounds. It was beautiful.

The same tree I loved most last year (above) was still as red as ever. It amazes me how red the leaves turned out to be. The colour is just so brilliant, with or without sunlight.

Enjoy the pictures below: