Osaka Kaiyukan (Aquarium)
Pirarucu (Arapaima gigas). Equador rainforest tank.
Finally! I finally visited the Osaka Aquarium last Sunday. I absolutely love the place. The price is a bit steep but it is worth every penny. There are sixteen tanks, the largest of which is the Pacific Ocean tank which houses the great whale shark. Below are the photos taken at the aquarium. For more photos, please visit my flickr album.
A faithful recreation of the Great Barrier reef
The Equador Rainforest tank
The Garibaldi fish, Kelp forest tank
Sardines, anchovies and perjerries. Coast of Chile tank
The Whale shark. Pacific Ocean tank
I am the man! The Manta ray, Pacific Ocean tank. I like this picture a lot because of the pose but it is not clear. There are clearer pictures of the ray in the flickr album
The Pacific Ocean tank. Whale shark, manta ray and the bluefin tunas.
Penguin in motion. Antartica tank
Diving. Antartica tank
Giant Spider Crabs. Japan Deeps tank
Moon Jellyfishes
Atlantic Sea nettles. They look like aliens in one of those sci-fi movies.
Lion's mane jellyfish
Pacific Sea nettles
Black sea nettles
Bell Jellies
Close up of the bell jelly
Watch out! Pacific Ocean tank.
One of my favourite pictures from the set. Tentacles.